Horst-Wiehe award

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Call for nominations:

GfÖ Horst-Wiehe Award 2024

Deadline: 30. March 2024

This year, the GfÖ awards the Horst-Wiehe Prize to young scientists for an outstanding dissertation in the field of ecology. Specifically, with this prize the GfÖ supports young scientists that have already proven to be able to advance the field of ecological research. The potential prize holder has completed her or his PhD thesis during the last three years and does typically not hold a permanent position at the time of nomination. Self-nominations are not possible.

The Horst-Wiehe Award is endowed with a prize money of 2 000 €. The award is given during the annual conference of the GfÖ. The winner of the Horst-Wiehe Award is invited to present the work for which the prize is provided in person (20 min) during the GfÖ award session at the annual conference. The winner’s travel expenses, accommodation and conference costs will be covered (adhering to the guidelines of the Federal Travel Expenses Act (Bundesreisekostengesetz)).

The jury’s decision is based on the following criteria:

  • Scientific quality proven through an excellent dissertation that obtained the grade of magna cum laude or summa cum laude and a very good publication activity.
  • Communicative quality proven through active participation in conferences with posters or oral contributions during the last five years including outreach activities.
  • Commitment to promoting young researchers through activities such as initiating or supporting initiatives in the field of ecological research, providing above-average support in teaching and/or supervision of final year candidates or trainees.

Nominations are made by GfÖ members to the GfÖ board. Self-nominations are not possible. The nominations should include the name, the current working address and the previous working address of the nominee during the time of the PhD along with the e-mail address. In addition, please provide a brief CV of the nominee, your two-page evaluation in which you provide a clear statement for each of the three criteria mentioned above and a digital version of the PhD thesis. Please submit this information in one PDF document online via the provided webform until 1 March 2024. It is not possible to nominate persons after the submission deadline.

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Latest Prize winners:

2022: Dr. Julia Osterman

2020: Dr. Julian Schrader

2019: Christian Hof

2017: Michael Staab

2015: Ine Dorresteijn

2013: Alexander Kubisch

2011: Yann Clough

2007: Christoph Scherber