GfÖ workshop-series

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GfÖ Workshop Series 2023 / 2024

Introduction to Workshops:

Costs: The workshops are free of charge! Accommodation, travel costs and food expenses have to be covered by every participant themselves.
Requirements for participation: GfÖ Membership! (Non-members cannot be considered). No member yet? Here you can join the GfÖ family and gain the chance to register for our workshops for free (as long as there are places left, first come, first serve)!
Target group: early career researchers in Ecology (mainly PhD level)

Please find our registration form here: GfÖ workshop registration form!


Workshop 1

Scientific writing in the field of Ecology

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Workshop 2

Statistics: Advanced regression models

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Workshop 3

Machine learning and AI

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Workshop 4

Experimental design in different fields of ecology

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Workshop 5

Modern Data Management against the background of FAIR

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Workshop 6

Exploring Agent-Based Modeling with NetLogo: Fundamentals and Applications

Lecturers: Dr. Cara Gallagher, University of Potsdam, and Dr. Viktoriia Radchuk, Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin

Date: 22.04 - 25.04.2024
Number of course places: 15
Language: English
Course format: in person, first lecture day online
Location: Berlin, Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, 
Lecture hall

Short description: This course introduces the fundamentals of object-oriented and agent-based modeling using the NetLogo platform. The conceptual background of agent-based modeling will be discussed, along with a variety of real-world applications to demonstrate the potential of this approach. Hands-on activities include developing simple models to represent behavior, thermoregulation, and population dynamics of a species.

A large part of the course will be devoted to learning how to test, debug, and analyse models, specifically focusing on sensitivity analysis. A theory of how to find the appropriate level of model complexity will also be covered. 

The course is structured in a way that integrates short lecture sessions, walk-throughs in NetLogo, and hands-on NetLogo exercises. The lecture sessions will provide the theoretical background for the concepts covered, the walk-throughs will demonstrate how these concepts are implemented in NetLogo, and the hands-on exercises will give students the opportunity to apply what they have learned and gain practical experience with the software.

Requirements: This course is designed for beginners with no prior experience in modeling or programming. However, individuals with prior modeling experience in other languages who are interested in learning NetLogo or those with some NetLogo experience looking to further develop their skills are also welcome to enroll.

Record of participation: Signed GfÖ-Workshop 2024 certificate


Species Identification skills

Species Identification skills (“Artenkennerzertifikate”)

Would you like to improve your species identification skills? Here's the way to do it for free in 2023! To meet the high demand for diverse species identification courses, the GfÖ supports its members financially in acquiring species identification certificates in 2023.

Thus, members can submit their costs for a species identification certificate in 2023 and receive a refund up to the maximum amount of 200€ per member. The procedure is based on the principle of first come, first serve.

This enables covering significantly more species groups and members can obtain individual species identification certificates for their preferred species groups. The request for covering certificate costs for 2023 can be sent directly to Subsequently the member will recieve a confimation for the coverage of costs as long as the financial resources are sufficient.