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GfÖ-Preis: Dr. Tobias Sandner (Universität Marburg)
GfÖ-Honorary: Prof. Dr. Nina Buchmann (ETH Zürich)
Wiehe-Preis: Dr. Julia Osterman (Universität Halle)
BAAE article:
Ariel Firebaugh & Kyle J. Haynes 2019. Light pollution may create demographic traps for nocturnal insects. Basic and Applied Ecology 34:118-125.
BAAE review:
Bea Maas, Ingo Grass, Camila Cassanod, Alice Classene, Deborah Fariad, Pierre Gras, Kimberly Williams-Gullén, Matthew Johnson, Daniel S. Karp, Valerie Linden, Alejandra Martínez-Salinas, Julia M. Schmack, Sara Kross 2019. Experimental field exclosure of birds and bats in agricultural systems – Methodological insights, potential improvements, and cost-benefit trade-offs. Basic and Applied Ecology 35:1-12.
GfÖ-Honorary: Prof. Dr. Teja Tscharntke (Universität Göttingen)
BAAE article:
Peter Schall (Uni Göttingen, Germany), Ernst-Detlef Schulze, Markus Fischer, Manfred Ayasse, Christian Ammer 2018. Relations between forest management, stand structure and productivity across different types of Central European forests. BAAE 32:39-52
BAAE review:
Jorge Ari Noriega, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia 2018. Research trends in ecosystem services provided by insects. BAAE 26: 8-23.
Wiehe-Preis: Dr. Julian Schrader (Universität Göttingen)
GfÖ-Preis: Dr. Bea Maas (Universität Wien)
GfÖ-Honorary: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schmid (Universität Zürich)
BAAE article:
Wolfgang W.Weisser et al. 2017. Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning in a 15-year grassland experiment: Patterns, mechanisms, and open questions. Basic and Applied Ecology 23, 1-73
BAAE review:
Douglas A. Landis 2017. Designing agricultural landscapes for biodiversity-based ecosystem services. Basic and Applied Ecology 18, 1-12
Wiehe-Preis: Dr. Christian Hof (Technische Universität München)
Dissertations-Förderpreis: Sabine Rumpf (Universität Wien)
Master-/Diplom-Förderpreis: Myriam Hirt (iDiv, Leipzig)
Projekt-Förderpreis: Felix Fornoff (Universität Freiburg)
BAAE article:
Lina Herbertsson (Lund, Sweden), Sandra A. M. Lindström, Maj Rundlöf, Riccardo Bommarco, Henrik G. Smith (2016). Competition between managed honeybees and wild bumblebees depends on landscape context. Basic and Applied Ecology 17(1):609-616.
BAAE review:
Marie Spohn (BayCEER Bayreuth, Germany) (2016). Element cycling as driven by stoichiometric homeostasis of soil microorganisms. Basic and Applied Ecology 17(3): 471-478.
Dissertations-Förderpreis: Dirk Zeuss (Universität Marburg)
Master-/Diplom-Förderpreis: Eva Katharina Engelhardt (Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung)
Projekt-Förderpreis: Nils Stanik (Universität Kassel)
MCED (Modelling complex ecological dynamics) Awards:
Richard Barnes, Adam Thomas Clark (2017) : Sixty-five million years of change in temperature and topography explain evolutionary history in eastern
Zhen Yu, Chaoqun Lu, Peiyu Cao, Hanqin Tian (2018) : Long-term terrestrial carbon dynamics in the Midwestern United States during 1850–2015: Roles of land use and cover change and agricultural management.
BAAE article:
Adrien Rusch (INRA, France), Klaus Birkhofer, Riccardo Bommarco, Henrik G. Smith, Barbara Ekbom (2015) Predator body sizes and habitat preferences predict predation rates in an agroecosystem. Basic and Applied Ecology 16(3): 250-259.
BAAE review:
Brenda B. Lin (CSIRO, Australia), Stacy M. Philpott & Shalene Jha (2015) The future of urban agriculture and biodiversity-ecosystem services: Challenges and next steps. Basic and Applied Ecology 16(3): 189-201.
Wiehe-Preis: Michael Staab (Universität Freiburg)
Dissertations-Förderpreis: Andreas Schweiger (Universität Bayreuth)
Master-/Diplom-Förderpreis: Annemarie Wurz (Universität Göttingen)
Dissertations-Förderpreis: Sebastian Seibold (TU München):
Biodiversity of dead-wood dependent insects-effects of forest management and prospects of conservation
Master-/Diplom-Förderpreis: Esra Sohlström (Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv), Halle-Jena-Leipzig):
Impacts of environmental warming and thermal acclimation on predator-prey interactions
Poster-Förderpreis: Anna Roeder (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research)
Foto-Preis: Felix Fornhoff:
Projekt-Förderpreis: Josef Settele (UFZ - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Halle, Germany):
Tagfalter – Monitoring – Deutschland (TDM)
Visualization Preis: Christian König (Universität Göttingen): “Where (not) to get drunk tonight”
MCED (Modelling complex ecological dynamics) Awards:
Jan Kuiper (Netherlands Institute of Ecology): Food-web stability relation to ecosystem resilience
Sophie Johns (Australian National University): Disease related benefits of migration
Sebastián Block Munguía (ETH Zurich, Switzerland): Paleo-species distributions fossil discovery
Wiehe-Preis: Dr. Ine Dorresteijn (Leuphana-Universität Lüneburg):
Biodiversity conservation in traditional farming landscapes - The future of birds and large carnivores in Transsylvania
Dissertations-Förderpreis: Dr. Anke Stein (Universität Göttingen):
Environmental heterogeneity—species richness relationships from a global perspective
Master-/Diplom-Förderpreis: M.Sc. Jonas Rönnefahrt (Universität Bayreuth):
Effects of winter climate change on plant performance and nitrogen dynamics of non-sorted circles in sub-arctic Sweden
Poster-Förderpreis: Lina Herbertsson (Lund University):
Landscape simplification increases competition between managed honey bees and wild bumblebees
Foto-Förderpreis: Jonas Hagge (Philipps-Universität Marburg):
“Wacholderdrossel im Winter”
MCED (Modelling complex ecological dynamics) Awards:
Dr. Frank Breiner (Swiss Federal Research Institute): Overcoming limitations of modelling rare species by using ensembles of small models [er war bei der Verleihung anwesend]
Dr. Greta Bocedi (University of Aberdeen): RangeShifter: a platform for modelling spatial eco-evolutionary dynamics and species' responses to environmental changes
Chris Cacciapaglia (Florida Institute of Technology): Reef-coral refugia in a rapidly changing ocean
Zawisza Grabinski-Parker (Humboldt State University): Modelling patterns and drivers of reburn-fire severity over a 30 year chronosequence